School Van Owners, Drivers Criticise NTA

il y a 12 années, 3 mois - 17 Septembre 2012, the Independent
School Van Owners, Drivers Criticise NTA
The owners and drivers of school vans stated that they do not approve of regulations currently enforced by National Transport Authority (NTA).

They added that they also have to fulfill the demands of parents who are asking for more security for children.

They said that it will be difficult for them to cater to new developments for 2013, with penalty point system, among others coming into effect.

The Contract Vehicle Proprietors’ Organisation (CVPO) held a press conference on Saturday to vent out their frustrations. They deplored the attitude of the minister of Transport Anil Bachoo who they alleged has been avoiding them despite numerous letters sent to him for a meeting.

Member of Komite Van Lekol (KVL) Arshad Aumeer, outlined the difficulties faced to meet the requirements of the NTA, namely the employment of at least one assistant in school van.

“The identity card of a helper can only be used by its rightful owner, and if someone is absent, short notice given to drivers will make it difficult to find a replacement,” said Aumeer.

Jungee Nazir, chairman of the KVL said he understood that the safety of children is of paramount importance. Regarding the comfort of the children, the NTA provides that a vehicle of 14 places can carry a maximum of 18 children. Personally, I make sure that the school van is not overloaded. He pointed out that the NTA is reducing day by day the number of children that can be accommodated in a van.”