Traffic Branch: Info

il y a 12 années, 2 mois - 26 Octobre 2012, Mauritius Government Portal
Traffic Branch: Info
Info how to obtain driver licence at Mauritius

Issue and Conrol of Driving Licences

The Traffic Branch of the Mauritius Police Force is responsible for the issue and control of Driving Licences (Local and International)

Before you can learn to drive a motor car, motor cycle or autocycle you must apply for a provisional driving licence.

Before you are issued with a provisional driving licence, you must mandatorily pass the Audio Visual Test (Oral Test), except for an application for a provisional driving licence to drive a motor car only where you will be issued with the said licence as a learner driver to allow you to practice your driving under the terms and conditions specified in law.

What is the minimum age to apply for a provisional driving licence?

  • Autocycle  : 15 yrs
  • Motocycle : 17 yrs
  • Motorcar   : 18 yrs

Application for a provisional driving licence can be made either in person or on-line

1.  Apply in person at the nearest Police Station

You can make an application on the prescribed form available at the nearest Police Station of your locality. You will need to produce the following original documents:

  • Your Birth Certificate,
  • Your National Identity Card or Student Pass as applicable
  • Marriage Certificate (for married women)
  • Original work/residence permit and passport(for non-Mauritian Citizen)

2.  Apply on-line

You can apply on-line on the Police website of the E-Government Portal of the Government of Mauritius at http:\\  After application, you will receive an automated reply on your given e-mail address with the necessary instructions. Thereafter, you will require to call in person at the Online Application Centre at the Traffic Branch, Line Barracks within 14 days with the required documents for verification as well as the "Transaction ID" mentioned in the automated reply.

 (Note: In both cases if you are under 18, you should be accompanied by your responsible party who shall bring along his/her National Identity Card)


Processing of Application

 (a)  For Autocycle/Motor Cycle

The Police will process the application and notify you by way of a registered letter to call in person at the Traffic Branch to take an appointment for the Audio Visual Test. We aim to notify you within one week upon the Traffic Branch receiving your application.

 (Note: If you are under 18, you should be accompanied by your responsible party who shall bring along his/her National Identity Card)

 (b) For Motor Car only

The Police will process the application and notify you by way of a registered letter to call in person at the Traffic Branch to complete formalities for the processing of a provisional driving licence. We aim to notify you within one week upon the Traffic Branch receiving your application.If all required documents are in order, we aim at issuing you with a provisional driving licence within the following three working days.


The Driving Licence Test


1.  Audio Visual Test (Oral Test)

The Audio Visual Test on traffic signs is carried out on a computerised system. You can opt for either English or French language. You have to answer a set of forty multiple choice questions on the following:-

  • Your ability to read and understand traffic signs;
  • Your knowledge of the rules of the road;
  • Your Knowledge of traffic signals by Drivers and Police.

The first five questions are sample questions for practice. Twenty-nine right answers from the remaining thirty-five questions will secure a pass. The examination lasts for about forty minutes. On successful completion of the test on traffic signs, you may take an appointment for a practical driving test against payment of the prescribed fee. The Audio Visual Test is free of charge except for an application to drive motorcars only.

2.  Practical Driving Test

Your competency to drive will be assessed on:

  • Starting off;
  • Changing up and down of gears;
  • Turning Right and Left hand corners correctly;
  • Stopping at various speeds;
  • Giving of signals while driving;
  • Making a right hand turn and a left hand turn in reverse gear and back the vehicle into an indicated position;
  • Turning the vehicle round so as to proceed in the opposite direction;
  • Stopping, holding and starting the vehicle on a gradient.


International Driving Permit

Any person holding a valid International Driving Permit or Driving Licence issued by a competent foreign authority shall not be required to pass a test.

Any such permit or licence shall entitle the holder thereof to drive within the State of Mauritius any vehicle of the types specified thereon. Provided that, when such permit or licence is valid for more than three years at the time of the registration thereof in the State of Mauritius, such permit or licence shall only be valid in the State of Mauritius for a period of three years.


Applying for International Driving Permit

You should call in person at the International Driving Permit   Counter, Traffic Branch, Line Barracks between 09.00 hrs to 14.00 hrs on week days (except public holidays) and between 09.00 hrs to 10.30 hrs on Saturdays. You should fill in the prescribed form obtainable thereat and produce the following:-

  • Your National Identity Card (original)
  • Valid local driving licence
  • Two recent passport size photographs
  • Prescribed fee of Rs 800

If all required documents are in order, we aim at issuing you with an International Driving Permit within the following two working days.

  • Audio Visual test and Driving test (motor cars only) -  Rs 500
  • Driving test (autocycle/motor cycle) - Rs 500  
  • International Driving permit - Rs 800
  • Duplicate Driving Licence (lost/damaged) - Rs 500


Important Points to note

  • You should arrange for your own vehicle to undergo the practical driving test and should also produce a valid Special Insurance Policy for that purpose.
  • You should be physically as well as mentally fit to drive.
  • No licence will be issued to a person to drive a heavy motor vehicle (vehicles exceeding 8000 pounds gross weight) unless he has been the holder of a licence to drive motor cars for at least six (6) calendar months.
  • For a lost driving licence, you must report it to a Police Station. You will be issued with a memo (PF 77) for production at the Licensing Office when applying for a duplicate licence.
  • A damaged driving licence must be produced to the Licensing Officer before the issue of a duplicate.
  • You will be notified of the date the duplicate licence will be issued to you.

Requesting information

Below are ways to contact the Traffic Branch Headquarters for information

Information desk opening hours:

From 08.30 hrs to 16.00 hrs, Monday to Friday

From 08.30 hrs to 11.00 hrs, Saturday


Phone: 208 1212- Ext 1251     during working  

Ext 1265    hours

211 8434               

211 8478               

Hot Line:166

Fax: 208 6077
