Unions Step up Fight Against Point System

il y a 12 années - 14 Mars 2013, the Independent
Unions Step up Fight Against Point System
The Transport Unions Front has stepped up their fight against the implementation of the penalty point system by taking legal actions against it as confirmed by the group’s spokesperson George Ah Yan in a press meet in Port Louis on Wednesday.

They have sought the services of attorney Bokhoree and will issue an injunction in court on Thursday after consulting their lawyer, Rama Valayden, to express their disagreement over the system which they say will place transport workers at a disadvantage.

Ah-Yan made it clear the point system represents a serious threat to the work of professional drivers. They also threatened to go on a strike on March 29 if the authorities refuse to acknowledge them.

They are organising meetings and reunions to educate the public about the dangers of the new system. He questioned to what extent defiant light signals and other unmaintained road signs would have an impact on drivers’ chance of having points taken off them. He condemned the fact that the driver has to present his Counterpart Driving Licence to officers upon being pulled over.