Video: Two-Day Binge Turns Deadly

il y a 12 années - 28 Septembre 2012, Wheels News
Video: Two-Day Binge Turns Deadly
MOSCOW, Russia - Five teenage orphans, their teacher and her husband were killed when a drunk driver crashed into a Moscow bus stop.

Police said the car was traveling more than 200km/h when the heavily intoxicated driver lost control and slammed into the bus stop, killing the seven people and injuring three.

130 drunk drivers arrested

The driver, Alexander Maximov, was arrested for drunken driving in 2010 and told police that prior to the latest incident in September 2012 he had been drinking for two days.

He also got speeding tickets in 2012.

The orphans were returning from an awards ceremony for a city arts and crafts competition held in a park in western Moscow.

Moscow police reported that they had detained more than 130 drunken drivers over September 23/24.