4 "Speed Cameras" Operational Again from Tuesday

11 years, 9 months ago - 18 June 2013, The Défi Media Group
4 "Speed Cameras" Operational Again from Tuesday
Almost 20 days after the controversy surrounding the "speed cameras" Proguard Ltd, four of them are operational again from Tuesday night.

Motorists will be more careful from Tuesday, June 18 at midnight specifically. The "speed cameras" Proguard, which were calibrated after technical problems are now operational.

These cameras are located on the highway Pellegrin, vis-à-vis the Shoprite shopping center; Roche-Bois on the highway before the roundabout leaving North to Port-Louis Cassis always on highway in front of the Royal College of Port Louis and Trianon on the highway before entering the Internet City. The speed limit is 80 km / h in these regions.

On the other hand, to ensure compliance with the speed limit, the police plans to install six mobile cameras on the stretch of highway between Roche-Bois Saint-Jean. The police do not want to specify the time when the cameras will be placed.

But our overlap, they will be installed in Sorèze Pailles, Réduit and Roche-Bois. Motorists are warned.