'Speed Cameras': Keep Smiling, You are Flashed

11 years, 10 months ago - 15 May 2013, The Défi Media Group
'Speed Cameras': Keep Smiling, You are Flashed
Since the entry into force of the surveillance radars on the roads ('speed cameras') "Friday, there are several drivers to be flashed as they drove below the limit. The authorities speak of 'self-test' to check the images....

The explanation given by Dev Natoo took drivers by surprise. According to the Principal Engineer of the Traffic Management & Road Safety Unit (TMRSU) in case of non-detection of a vehicle for one or two hours, the radar 'is autotestent' to return images to the database to the TMRSU located Samlo Building, Port Louis.

The team Photographic Enforcement Unit includes four officers and 12 employees Proguard Ltd.. She is responsible for managing 22 'speed cameras' installed throughout the island. 52 new cameras will be added to the existing list by the end of May

Motorists flashed over the weekend, as they drove below the speed limit allowed have no need to worry. These flashes are of no consequence, provide the authorities (TMRSU). However, this year seems to control panic, especially since the start of the road monitoring radar is coupled with the introduction of penalty points. The driver does not respect the speed limit now big risk if caught. And these are the points penalty that may accumulate on the license that is the statement of 18 offenses.

Once with 15 penalty points, disqualification of the driver automatically. His license will 'jump' for six months first. This disqualification causes disturbances of the psychic state of the driver provides the psychologist Emma Conyedoss. "Once flashed, a conductor tends to accumulate mistake after mistake," she said.

Below limit

Standard Radio Plus literally exploded Monday morning. Several motorists have complained that the radar brand Truvelo South Africa flashed at 40 km / h when the limit was between 60km / h and 80 km / h. Nazir Junghee wanted to record a statement at the police station Bamboo to share this anomaly. The President of the Van Committee Lékol was flashed on the road Saturday night Bamboo to Flic-en-Flac. "I was driving 55 km / h when the limit is 60 km / h. I was scared seeing me flashed, "he testified to our antenna.

Other motorists have questioned the credibility of the system. Some expressed concerns and reservations regarding the award of this contract Proguard Ltd.. Some also question the confidentiality of transactions. "Employees do not have access Proguard with members of the police force. Photos flashed while vehicles that exceed the limit are stored on the server Proguard. Employees are only asked to remove these images to send to the police cell, no more, "was responsible for a recall Proguard Ltd..

Two penalty points

Speeding 25 km / h over the limit will cost 2-4 points on your license, plus a fine of Rs 2000. Motorists flashed by radar control device will receive a photographic enforcement notice by mail. The driver has a period of 21 days to admit his mistakes and pay the fine.

"Moonlighting mistake after mistake"

"A driver flashed by a camera definitely going to experience a disturbance of his mental state," says Hema Conhyedoss psychologist. "A driver pinned accumulate one mistake, mistake after mistake. Often, those who drive roll having their minds elsewhere. If flashed, they will be taken aback and feel guilty. They will feel that they have done wrong and being scolded. It is a difficult to manage "state, she added.

Reliable devices

The 'speeds cameras' on roads provide work without failure, according to the engineer Dev Nathoo the Traffic Management & Road Safety Unit (TMRSU). "The brand Truvelo provided by South Africa is undoubtedly one of the best in the world," he says.

"This kind of surveillance radars is highly efficient and reliable. It is used in several countries, including Britain. Moreover, before the cameras are operating in Mauritius, tests were carried out. In addition to this, self-tests are all one or two hours. "

However, these self-tests bother motorists who are flashing for no apparent reason. The engineer TMRSU reassures motorists: these flashes simply serve to confirm that the devices are working properly. "The cameras automatically perform 'imaging tests." These images are sent to us to demonstrate the effectiveness of the devices. If the driver runs in the allowable limits and that is flashed, it should not take that into consideration. "

To a manual test?

To avoid further frustration, the engineer claims to have spoken to the supplier to find a solution. "You can see if the test can be done manually. Thus, officers will go on site to inspect the appliance so that there is more automatic flash. " A truck driver claims that it was flashed while the car is traveling on his right who had exceeded the limit.

"My truck is bigger, the small car will go unnoticed," he protests. The engineer TMRSU explains that in this case, the truck driver does not have to worry. "This is the 'Targeted vehicle' to be taken in contravention. The camera not only takes the image of the vehicle, it also identifies the registration number on the bottom of the photo. If the car is behind one another vehicle, the space vehicle number will be displayed empty. "