Ashwin Dookun " Was Bachoo Behind the Machinations of CPB? "

11 years, 5 months ago - 14 July 2013,
Ashwin Dookun " Was Bachoo Behind the Machinations of CPB? "
Disowned by the government on Tuesday when PNQ, the President of the NTC did not give up. He accused the minister Bachoo interference in the exercise of tender for the purchase of 65 buses, in order to favour a particular bidder. It also calls the "authorities" to take sanctions against him "if I sinned."

>Your fight with the NTC has been disowned by the government, especially with the position taken by the Minister of Finance on Tuesday at the PNQ. What do you feel it?

I do not think have been disowned. On the contrary I think it is the Minister of Finance was misled because it was clear from reading his performance in Parliament he had not mastered the back of the NTC.

>It is not that the case of the NTC but the  " Central Procurement Board " (CPB), which falls under his ministry. While you have not been telling the CPB showing interference, Xavier Duval just tell you that the CPB has acted within the law. If this is not a slap, it looks like!

Xavier Duval is the butt of the joke! I find it extraordinary that an accountant does not know the difference between the price of buses and maintenance costs of vehicles and he does not know that we do not consider maintenance costs when evaluating file a bidder! The cost of maintenance is a " recurring cost "that you pay over the next five years. The truth is that the supply of ABC was only 11% higher than the estimate of the NTC which included the price of the buses. The CPB should have negotiated, as provided by law and would not have had to cancel the tender!

>So you admit that it is not a matter that Duval was misled, it does not agree with you ...

Yes, Duval induced Parliament in error. Because it is not my position or the position of Duval, this is the law and procedures. It is not I who wrote the law! My role is to ensure that procedures are followed. Section 48 (2) of the Procurement Regulations says a bidder has five days from the date of launch of the tender to challenge specifications. In other words, Iframac had until 26 July 2012. It was only on August 8, they send a letter. The law says that we should not consider this challenge and that's what I did.

>But the Minister of Finance has not made much of these regulations. He said that it was the "board" that was wrong not to have taken into account the changes proposed by the CPB!

But the CPB can not propose changes after a certain date! It is not up to them to hold meetings with employees to discuss NTC specifications of the tender without the consent of the board!The question of specifications is a policy issue. I thought we had to work within the parameters of the law? You know, all this time I was wondering about where the instructions came interference. Anil Bachoo is it behind the machinations of CPB? I maintain that the CPB has attempted to interfere in the exercise of tender to accommodate a particular bidder! There is no other explanation for the insistence of CPB to make the same changes that demanded Iframac !And I invite the President of CPB sue me if what I say is wrong!

>You know they say that you shake because you wanted to focus on ABC?

Yes I know this is what the band Bachoo is telling. But it makes me laugh. This is the department that prepared the original specifications and is the CPB gave its approval to the same specifications. The NTC has agreed to modify a dozen specifications but refused to change others because the deadline had passed and that it would distort the exercise. The CPB urges change and wants to impose the same requirements that demand Iframac and it is I who want to focus on one bidder?

>You may be right in the background but still is it that the government has disowned you and took the party to support Anil Bachoo and CPB have. A man of honor should not resign?

Those who have quit are those who have sinned. I have followed the procedures to the letter, I worked in the framework of the law and I have clean hands. But if what you say is true, if you think it is I who have sinned, then I urge the authorities concerned to take the measures they consider should be taken against me. I remember the Prime Minister, citing Lord Denning had said in Parliament that " Be you ever so high, the law is above you . " So I wait.