CCM Investigate Pricing Practices for High Technology Car Keys

12 years, 10 months ago - 9 February 2012, the Independent
CCM Investigate Pricing Practices for High Technology Car Keys
The Competition Commission of Mauritius (CCM) has instigated an investigation into the supply of replacement Automatic Electronic Ignition Keys and related synchronizing services by several distributors of new cars, who also provide repair and maintenance services in Mauritius.

The investigation will cover smart keys and ignition keys that use transponder technology. “This investigation is about pricing practices for high technology car keys and the access that alternative suppliers have to the after markets for replacement Automatic Electronic Ignition Keys. Traditional metal car keys are not the subject of concern.

Enterprises that have a monopoly position over provision of the new generation of automatic car keys are subject to few competitive constraints,” said Sean Ennis, executive director of the CCM.

“With the technology now used by some car manufacturers, if a car owner needs an extra electronic key, for example after losing a key, there is one main source for a replacement the car dealer for that brand,” he said.