Cité Vallijee: 2 United Bus Service Buses Destroyed by Fire in Garage

13 years ago - 29 February 2012,
Cité Vallijee: 2 United Bus Service Buses Destroyed by Fire in Garage
Two buses of the company United Bus Service were destroyed by fire in the wee hours on Wednesday 29 February. Firefighters took more than an hour to extinguish them. The thesis is privileged criminal.

Completely burnt two buses and four others damaged by fire. The vehicles were in the courtyard of the filing of Port Louis and the guard service said they had nothing abnormal noted before the disaster. Firefighters and police were on hand to collect evidence to determine the cause of the fire.

The guard said he noticed smoke around 3 am Wednesday morning e tle time he tries to discover the origin, its attention is drawn by buses that were already in flames. The fire threatened to spread.

The guard raised the alarm and firefighters Coromandel and Port-Louis arrived fifteen minutes later. They discover two buses completely charred. Firefighters took more than an hour to extinguish them. 

Among the damaged vehicles contained a brand new bus.

The police preferred a criminal act, pending analysis by forensic police should reveal the exact cause of the fire.

An official of the United Bus Service to says that the company would not comment for now, since a police investigation is underway.