Express Revelation: Failed Attempt To Change Bid In NTC?

12 years, 3 months ago - 30 August 2012,
Express Revelation: Failed Attempt To Change Bid In NTC?
An attempt at a car dealership and the Central Procurement Board to modify the specifications contained in the tender document was aborted. The exercise involves the purchase of buses with engines with a capacity of between 160 and 180 horsepower.

However, there was an attempt to raise the upper limit to 200 hp, which would have the effect of qualifying mark bus represented by the dealer. A final meeting was held on Wednesday 29 August, the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Transport, in vain.

The deadline expires Thursday 30 August, as originally planned. These are the frames of the NTC have foiled the attempt to change the document.

NTC reacts to express information about the case tender aborted

The leaders of the National Transport Corporation (NTC), including its president Ashwin Dookun and its CEO, Robin Soonarane, met the press on Thursday, August 30 for this purpose.

The management of the corporation returns all responsibility only Central Procurement Board (CPB) . Ashwin Dookun began by the history of this case. Confirming the passage of key information to the effect that express the CPB actually tried to push the NTC to change the specifications of the tender.

"It is not the role of the CPB to propose changes to the specifications already agreed. I think the CPB has sinned and is the institution to fulfill its responsibilities. You can not change the rules after the start of the race, " emphasized the President of the Corporation.