NTC: Recruitment of Industrial Relations Officer Decried

12 years, 9 months ago - 28 February 2012, The Défi Media Group
NTC: Recruitment of Industrial Relations Officer Decried
Voices are raised against the recruitment of an Industrial Relations Officer at the National Transport Corporation (NTC). It would receive a salary of Rs 16,000.

This recruitment has been an internal call for applications. For some employees, this recruitment is seen as a policy of double standards by the management company. They complain that, on one side, when it comes to review the working conditions of employees, and recruit drivers and receivers, management always emphasizes the difficult financial situation of the company, the other finds a way to recruit an Industrial Relations Officer. 

In well-informed source, we learn that this recruitment is necessary because the company has only one current Industrial Relations Officer. Industrial Relations Officers of the three one died and another retired. It appears that whoever is still in office is, too, about to retire. We also learn that two unions active at the company were behind the challenge.