Pokemon Go disease infiltrates the Nurburgring

8 years, 8 months ago - 15 July 2016, Autoblog
Pokemon Go disease infiltrates the Nurburgring
For the past week or so, perfectly rationale adults have gone from burying their heads in their phones in the name of Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to burying their heads in their phone in pursuit of Pokemon. No, we don't understand it, either.

With Pikachu, Charizard, and Pidgeotto spread at seemingly random locations around the globe, Pokemon Go does something different than other video games – it forces gamers to go outside and occasionally to great lengths in the name of success. It was only a matter of time, then, before players set about exploring hallowed automotive turf in the name of "catching them all."

YouTube user Boosted Boris wanted to see what kind of pocket monsters were roaming the legendaryNürburgring, so he busted out a camera and enlisted the Ring Taxi to take a lap of the track. The entire video is just under 21 minutes from start to finish, so you'll forgive us for just skimming it. Based on a quick viewing, Boosted Boris had no trouble catching a Weedle, although his attempts to snag a Zubat and an Abra aren't quite as successful.