Public Transport: NTC Strikes?

11 years, 10 months ago - 28 February 2013, The Défi Media Group
Public Transport: NTC Strikes?
If collective bargaining between management and fail the common front of unions, the National Transport Corporation (NTC) could be paralyzed by a strike of employees. This is the threat brandished his chief negotiator, Reeaz Chuttoo. Another meeting is scheduled.

"In case of deadlock, we will go to the Commission for Conciliation and Mediation (CCM) and if there is still no solution, we refuse to call the Employment Relations Tribunal and enclencherons strike procedures" , said the union.

The main grievances of the labor front are a wage increase of 20% in addition to a 'Long Term Service Award, equivalent to Rs 1000, Rs 2000 and Rs 3000 respectively after 15, 20 and 25 years of service. A food allowance of Rs 75, payable after a minimum of two hours of overtime is required.

The Common Front union also demands the payment of an allowance of Rs 10,000 in case of death of an employee, in addition to compensation amounting to 15 days per year of service, after a minimum of five years of service.

He suggested that the company supports the examination fees of School Certificate and Higher School Certificate children of its employees. The front is also negotiating with the union leadership of the NTC that employee shall be granted 10 days leave for his wedding (Wedding Leaves).

In addition, the restructuring plan to the NTC concern at the highest level union leaders. They want a roundtable with management to discuss any issue.