On The Road: 15 Drivers Per Hour Flashed By Radar

11 years, 6 months ago - 4 September 2013, Le Mauricien
On The Road: 15 Drivers Per Hour Flashed By Radar
21,240 motorists flashed by Fixed Speed ??Cameras on June 24 last bar of 10,000 tickets with the operationalization of the Point Penalty System in May.

90 cases of "hit and run" recorded from January to June this year
With 20 Speed cameras already operational , the results of operations for the first two months is relatively heavy, an average of 15 motorists flashed by radar every hour on the road for speeding . This is revealed by the figures released . On the other hand , the bar 10,000 tickets under the Point Penalty System implemented since May 10 has been reached while the police is preparing to go on the offensive even more aggressively to fight against the non- respect of the seat belt by the occupants of the rear seats of cars.In his speech yesterday to the central barracks , the police commissioner , Dhun Rampersad Iswur , confirmed that so far the police drew a record 21,420 in case of flash by Fixed Speed Cameras , giving an average a little over 10 000 cases per month, or 15 for each of the 20 cameras operating hours . The revenue generated by these radars so far only at the rate of Rs 2,000 per contravention amounted to more than Rs 40 million.At this point, the distribution of excess speed offenses in different regions will have to confirm that Speed Camera installed on the highway Roche -Bois seems most feared motorists and continues to be the most profitable being the head of the number of drivers flashed . Of road users argue that the authorities should review and streamline policy Speed ??Limits in force , particularly in some sections of the autorote not through residential areas where the speed limit is currently 60 km / h.Since last May , in response to parliamentary questions , the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Infrastructure, Anil Bachoo , announced the establishment of a technical committee of the department and the police to review the maximum permissible speed roads in Mauritius . So far , no official indication has transpired on the recommendations of this instance.However , it seems that the authorities could propose that the speed may be sanctioned by the radar could be raised from 60 to 70 km/h . This rationalization could have the effect that the number of motorists caught speeding in areas marked by signs speed limit to 60 km/h could be reduced.On the other hand , since the entry into force of the Point Penalty System on May 10 , more than 10,000 drivers have been taken in contravention likely revenues of Rs 10 million in public funds . After a first step in the fight against non-compliance of seat belt use by passengers in the rear seats of the car , the police will deploy from this week's big ways to take action .This categorical violations should be worse not only for motorists but also recalcitrant passengers. The maximum fine for any violation under this provision of the Highway Code is Rs 10,000 for not only the driver but also for the passenger.
In addition, the latest data from Statistics Mauritius on road accidents show an increase of 5.5 % for the first half of this year, while the closest collaborators of the police commissioner who collaborated in the writing of the speech yesterday suggest that , "as at July 2013, we have been able to reduce the number of road accidents excluding cases dealt through the Agreed Statement of Facts by 3,9%"

However , Statistics Mauritius advance for the period from January to June this year, the number of road accidents increased by 5.5%, 11,246 against 10,662 . 88.7 % of these accidents were inconsequential for road users while statistics were enumerating 67 victims , 206 serious injuries and 994 minor injuries in six months." Compared to the same period of 2012, the total number of road accidents rose by 5,5 %. Casualty accidents went down by 1,4% while non-injury accidents rose by 6,4%. The number of fatal and slight injury accidents increased by 4,7% and 1,2% respectively whilst serious injury accidents went down by 12,8% " , says the latest edition of Statistics Mauritius by also reported 90 offenses leak roads during the first six months.In addition, from January to June , the fleet of vehicles on the roads has increased with 12,856 recordings, including 8935 new vehicles and second- hand 3474 . During the same period, 2,451 vehicles were withdrawn from circulation .Of the 432,331 vehicles registered at the National Transport Authority , a little less than half, or 204,274 are cars, Double Cabs and other Dual Purpose Vehicles. 40% ( 177,184 ) are motorcycles or autocycles .
The number of registered trucks is 14 007 to 24 465 vans , while 2958 buses operating on the roads. In ten years, the number of cars has more than doubled from 68,524 in 2003 to 153,702 in June , and he almost tripled to 62,738 in June this year two roads.
SINCE January 2013 : 102 dead!
Two fatal in the space of two hours in the late afternoon Friday at Riche-Terre and Mapu accidents swelled a little more the number recorded on our roads since the beginning of 2013 dead. Figures compiled 30 August suggest that we have reached 102 victims while the bar 100 deaths had been reached earlier this week .
The last two victims were Jean Marie Casimir (62) , living Baie du Tombeau , and Vishnu Naiken (25 years) , living Piton . The first named was struck by a car master around 16:30 in the afternoon on Friday while crossing the highway at the height of Riche -Terre. His death was recorded by the UAS , the autopsy later attributing the cause of death to multiple injuries. The police found some time later with a new victim in the arm. This time , a collision occurred in the region of Mapu involving a motorcycle and a taxi. For reasons to be determined by the ongoing police investigation , the taxi that had Plain Papayas and headed for Mapu , crashed the bike on which stood two men.
The passenger behind him on the bike , Vishnu Naiken , was killed instantly . The autopsy of the victim was scheduled for yesterday . Early evidence from this survey indicate that the motorcyclist, an operator of 33 years and living in Poudre d'Or Hamlet, has tested positive for blood alcohol test . For now, he was admitted to the Hospital of Northern considering the injuries he suffered. For its part, the taxi driver , a resident of Mare La Chaux , 55, has been tested negative for alcohol .