Speed Cameras: Contraventions Multiply Sunday

11 years, 6 months ago - 16 September 2013, lexpress.mu
Speed Cameras: Contraventions Multiply Sunday
According to the latest statistics on offenses taken via the Speed ??Cameras: they are especially on Sundays and motorists are caught in violation. The area most affected Coromandel.

From June 24 to September 5, 3300 motorists were flashed and fined in Coromandel, at the height of the church Emmaus, and 3650 others Roche-Bois. Those are the latest figures on motorists flashed by Speed Cameras. Another phenomenon observed: radars are most active Sunday for the weekdays.
 As for fatal accidents, according to the latest police statistics, the number of deaths on our roads is 111. 85 are men, 26 women and 5 children under 15 years.