Speed Cameras: No Valid Ticket

11 years, 9 months ago - 9 June 2013, Le Matinal
Speed Cameras: No Valid Ticket
The DPP set aside 485 tickets for the launch of the project because "set up parameters and omitted Were Incorrectly installed"

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Road Infrastructure, Anil Bachoo, with its sides the Special Adviser on road safety at Prime Minister's Office (PMO), Ben Buntipilly, who had launched the Speed Cameras May 10 latter suffered a serious setback at the weekend. Indeed, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has invalidated the first 485 tickets issued on the basis of flashed by 20 cameras installed so far on the road images. On the other hand, in the context of the campaign to improve road safety, Belgian experts are expected in Mauritius this week to oversee trainers truck drivers of the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD).

Following developments over the weekend, it appears that the project started radar to fight against speeding, spending Rs 172.2 million, is the most difficult. Thus, after analyzing the documents submitted by the police and the report prepared by experts Truvelo Manufacturers (Pty) Ltd.. in South Africa, the DPP decided to invalidate the 485 tickets drawn from flashages cameras for speeding.

Initially, the protests of motorists claiming to be unfairly in excess speeding ticket even if if they were traveling at less than the speed limit, the Traffic Management and Road Safety Unit (TMRSU) had reported Image Tests as excuses. But the overlap of information made by Weekend confirmed that project started, "set up parameters and omitted Were Incorrectly installed." The competent authorities have reached this conclusion in the light of a report submitted by manufacturers Truvelo Manufacturers (Pty) Ltd.. dated May 21. This report has reviewed the installation work and connection made by ProGuard Ltd..

Faced with this serious anomaly in the operation of radars on the roads, the opinion of the DPP is "no prosecution against the contreveners for the offence of exceeding speed limit, as detected by those speed cameras. " Weekend tried in vain to obtain explanations from officials TMRSU or Proguard Ltd., The contractor selected by the Central Procurement Board.

With this first operation failed Speed Cameras, very few details are available for corrective actions in the functioning of these cameras for their new commissioning. The fact is that a month after the launch of this program, the cameras are still not operational on the roads. "The Speed Cameras are always in fashion Image Test at night. That's all we can say and we do not know more," says does one side of the Traffic Branch to Central Barracks.

During the past week, the road users have seen the team of technicians presence, including locations where cameras are installed. However, stress is always appropriate for drivers flashed still not knowing if they have been subject to fines or not.

This weekend, Weekend visited the premises of the Photographic Enforcement Unit ( PEU), located in the TMRSU, Samlo Tower, Port-Louis. This exercise has proved unsuccessful because the main door leading to the PEU was double-locked during working hours. Offices allocated to the PEU and 12 employees ProGuard with access to servers, were also closed.

A worker posing as secretary Dev Nathoo, Principal Engineer and Project Coordinator of Speed Cameras, has made it clear without any other trial Weekend to as "the chef and his team perform website visits." Multiple attempts to get on a call with the officials did not give the expected results.

Restarting Speed cameras face two major obstacles. First, ProGuard Ltd.. must be able to provide authorities with a certificate issued by an independent laboratory and found on the calibration of cameras and computer equipment installed. Then the police, which has been restored in its rights against violations of speeding at the expense of ProGuard Ltd., Demonstrated inflexibility regarding the necessary guarantees to ensure the relay before this "poisoned legacy the Ministry of Public Infrastructure. "

transfer control of Speed Cameras Ltd ProGuard. the police, announced by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Infrastructure, is more complicated than expected. Until the release of the next police statement about the radars on the roads, drivers should in no way be stressed by flashes roadside.

Also in the field of road safety experts from Belgium come form trainers truck drivers. Starting tomorrow, four professionals in the field will be assigned to the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD). During their stay in Mauritius, they have a mission to improve the standard of driving trucks and other vehicles in transit. These courses will cover trainers Professional Drivers Training Centre MITD.

Moreover, the government has taken the initiative to review the criteria and conditions for the grant of license, namely the "higher minimum age limits" for professional truck drivers and vehicles in transit. The expertise of the European Union has been requested and a European consultant will travel in August.

assignments that are expert to review the existing laws and regulations with respect to medical fitness of drivers and provide recommendations for "new medical fitness assessment procedures for the issue of driving licenses. "

310 CCTV installations Beau Bassin, Rose Hill and Quatre-Bornes

Cities of Quatre-Bornes, Beau Bassin and Rose Hill and will be covered by a network of surveillance cameras (CCTV) in the context of strengthening the law and order. These regions will be added in Port Louis, Grand Baie, Flic-en-Flac and part of Quatre-Bornes. The draft Street Surveillance System is currently undergoing a period of tender with the closing date for submission of quotations set current to Thursday 20 at 13.30 at the latest.

At the enforcement of this project some 310 cameras will be placed at various points in the three cities. Quatre-Bornes will feature 73 points of cameras, Rose Hill 42 from around the roundabout Shoprite / Trianon instead Dar es Salaam at Rose Hill through the site Cardinal Margéot and Beau Bassin 58 cameras entering Kentucky Chebel up through the main entrance to the road along Barkly region Cascadelle.

In the explanatory notes to interested firms, the police said that " it is to noted that here are 310 cameras and that do not mean that there are 310 different locations, one pole can host more than one camera " The side of the police, it dwells on the fact that " the system shall be for the CCTV Street Surveillance and not domestic/commercial CCTV system. It shall be robust, fully HD and all cameras on poles shall be fully grounded ". The system must be equipped with UPS batteries for the operation of CCTV cameras on towers for a period of five days and 40 days for the entire system.

Firms who are qualified to participate in this tender exercise must be at least five years experience in the field and must be involved in the realization of a previous project for a minimum of 50 CCTV. To date, 21 companies, including ProGuard Ltd.. Brinks Mauritius Limited, Huawei Technologies Mallac Harel, Caudan Security Services Ltd. or Top Guard Ltd., meant leir interest in this tender exercise.