"Technical Default" Detected on 20 Speed Cameras: DPP Will Decide the Fate of 485 Motorists Flashed

11 years, 9 months ago - 28 May 2013, The Défi Media Group
"Technical Default" Detected on 20 Speed Cameras: DPP Will Decide the Fate of 485 Motorists Flashed
New Speed Cameras operate only on a trial basis. This is the DPP will decide the fate of 485 motorists caught in violation for speeding since the operationalization of these devices on May 10.

20 "Speed Cameras" Proguard Ltd. remain on the sidelines for now. This, after a technical problem was detected on these devices. The manufacturer of these cameras Truvelo Manufacturers, a South African firm, has sent its experts on site.

The problem is solved, said experts from the Ministry of Public Infrastructure to the press on Monday afternoon. However, it will check and check against these devices.

On Tuesday, the "Speed Cameras" will be "self-testing mode", that is to say, they will flash, but the photos will not be used by the police.

Why these cameras do not they worked? Ralph Gibert, CEO of Truvelo Manufacturers says that each country has "its own specificities in that they are the parameters to be respected."

"This system is used in many countries around the world. Each country has its own specificities in that they are the parameters to be observed. At its commissioning, some of the information gathered by the aircraft had not yet been updated. What caused the technical fault. But we have already addressed. At this stage, our cameras take the first picture of the car 50 meters and a second picture a half-second later. This allows us to calculate independently the speed at which it was traveling at the time. This is a fairly unique concept. The cameras are equipped with a three dimensional radar after the speeder far. But they do not take the photo at 50 meters, "he says.

What motorists flashed since May 10? The case is currently at the office of the DPP. It's Mr Satyajeet Boolell that will decide the fate of 485 motorists flashed says DCP Rashid Beekun.