First, the speed limit speed of passing zone of 40-50 km/h to 60 km/h.
Second, the speed limit on highways was revised following: motorways, A-roads (main roads through cities and towns), B-roads (main roads within cities and villages) and UR roads (road not part of the categories mentioned).
Speed limit for traffic traveling on the highways
Cars - 110 km/h
Motorcycles - 80 km/h instead of 110 km/h
Mopeds - 80 km/h instead of 40 km/hr
Buses/trucks with total weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes - 80 km/h instead of 70 km/h
Truck with one or more trailers - 60 km/h instead of 50-55 km/h
Speed limit for users of A/B/UR roads
The minimum speed of 40 km/h passes a maximum of 60 km/h. However, the government prerogative to revise downwards this limitation is still.
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