Accidents in Brief

12 years, 2 months ago - 2 March 2012, The Défi Media Group
Accidents in Brief
The car caught fire at a police headquarters in the SMF. Cleared of 56 charges.

The car caught fire at a police headquarters in the SMF

Unpleasant surprise for a policeman last night, Thursday 1 st March. His car, parked outside the headquarters of the Special Mobile Force (SMF) in Vacoas, was engulfed in flames. The origin of the fire is unknown at present as the amount of damage caused by fire.

According to our information, the officer used to park there.

Cleared of 56 charges

The Intermediate Court has removed the 56 false charges leveled against Bheesm Gungabison, a storekeeper ('storekeeper') 43. This inhabitant of Vacoas was accused of authorizing the purchase of fuel, while its powers did not allow him to do the same. The offenses allegedly occurred between 2002 and 2007. However, the magistrate Neerooa Azam ruled in favor of Bheesm Gungabison. He concluded that the evidence does not demonstrate with certainty that the accused had no right to authorize the purchase of fuel.