Cooking Gas Used in a Car: Mechanic and Driver Caught

11 years, 5 months ago - 5 July 2013,
Cooking Gas Used in a Car: Mechanic and Driver Caught
The driver and the mechanic were arrested. Police caught it when he illegally fed a taxi car.

This is illegal and considered very dangerous practice. Last year, a resident of Plaine-des-Papayes had also accidentally burned the car of a "client" by supplying the vehicle with gas appliances. Unless they are likely to ignore the danger, like the taxi driver and the mechanic capita Lallmatie. 

A team led by chief inspector Bansoodeb and supported by the Divisional Support Unit has both surprised when the mechanic Baboo Mahendranathsingh Jodasingh illegally supplied the car Nund Anand Bundhoo, living in Bon-Accueil. 

They were arrested Tuesday, July 2. According to a police source, appliances that used in the garage were also seized.