Elio Motors Brings Refined 2.8 L/100km P5 Trike to LA

9 years ago - 24 November 2015, Autoblog
Elio Motors Brings Refined 2.8 L/100km P5 Trike to LA
The overall story and shape of the Elio Motors three-wheeled vehicle is likely quite familiar to most readers. The company is on a quest to bring a highly efficient, low-cost vehicle to market, and we saw the latest steps toward progress at the LA Auto Show last week.

Most notably, this took the shape of the new P5 prototype vehicle at the Elio booth. Oh, and we saw progress in the fact that Elio is no longer down in the basement of the convention center, but in the sunlit area upstairs. As you can see, this new model is a bit sleeker and a lot more put together than the P4 version we saw in New York earlier this year.

The P5 is the Elio vehicle we've been hearing about since the summer, the one with the 0.9-liter engine by IAV using a design from Elio. On the efficiency front, Elio has long said that this vehicle will get 2.8 L/100km. Elio admitted today that the software testing shows that the P5 is getting 2.88 L/100km. As for the finished product, he said it will "definitely" be over 3.31 L/100km, but that he hopes it'll be over 80 and everyone is shooting to hit the 2.8 L/100km. Elio is saying it will launch the trike by the end of 2016, so the 47,000 people who have made a pre-order can perhaps pencil in a delivery date around 12 months from now.