Quatre-Bornes: Telfair Avenue closed

11 years, 11 months ago - 19 March 2013, The Défi Media Group
Quatre-Bornes: Telfair Avenue closed
Installation work at all to the sewer obstructing traffic Telfair Avenue, Quatre Bornes. A situation which caused the discontent of pedestrians. To overcome this problem, the Wastewater Management Authority (WMA) has called for the closure of this route for two months.

Telfair Avenue, Quatre Bornes, is closed to traffic since Wednesday 13 March. reopening is scheduled in two months after the completion of the work. This was indicated, Sunil Jaunky, Public Relations Director of the WMA, the Daily Challenge. "This decision has been taken, he says, because of the narrowness of the road makes traffic difficult. This road is so narrow that for several hours, the work should be stopped. For example, between 7 and 9 am and between 14 and 17 hours, it was impossible to work. These judgments have perpetual wastes time. In addition, this path is very rocky, another reason for slow work. To move forward, the best solution was to close the road users. Only locals have access. This will finally allow our site to grow rapidly, "says Sunil Jaunky.

The spokesman added that gateways ('flyovers') were installed to facilitate the crossing of college students and schoolchildren attending schools adjacent Telfair Avenue. "Schools and residents were made aware of the change in traffic automobile.Les necessary measures have been taken to inform road users of deviations," he said.

Pedestrians say, meanwhile, met this measure. "We had difficulties to borrow this street is so narrow. Schoolchildren and college students use every day this way. Sooner or later, this would have caused an accident. Space is limited so that pedestrians risked being hit by a vehicle. In addition, in case of rain, the street is transformed into a quagmire, making it even more difficult for pedestrians, "said one user.

Residents of Telfair Avenue are also pleased that the authorities have found an alternative to go into overdrive. "This project has lasted too long with all the disadvantages that we cause. We now hope that the good work will now no longer have to endure the odor pollution caused by these work at all to the sewer, "they add.