Ring Road Lighting: City Council Has a Slate of Rs 3 Million from the CEB

11 years, 7 months ago - 16 May 2013, The Défi Media Group
Ring Road Lighting: City Council Has a Slate of Rs 3 Million from the CEB
The mayor of Port-Louis is seeking assistance from the Department of Local Government to pay a slate of Rs 3 million to the CEB for the lighting of the Ring Road.

The Central Electricity Board (CEB) demands Rs 3 million to the City Council for the lighting of the road which is 4.5 km long and starts at Sorèze to finish at the foot of the mountain at straws. Sum that the latter did not. "We do not have the means to pay. We asked the Ministry of Local Government to help us, but we have not yet received a response, "said Aslam Hossenally, Lord Mayor of Port Louis. "We have a lot of stress," he says again.

In December, a deficit budget of Rs 64 million had been voted by the town hall. The government has agreed to add Rs 35 million on its endowment. This has reduced the slate to Rs 29 million. However, the last redistricting was that portlouisienne agglomeration increased. Regions straws Montebello Sorèze were incorporated into the capital. And this poses another problem.

"We did not have money to manage this area. This has not been taken into account when the budget was done. We had to request an additional sum of Rs 23 million to manage this part of the city, "Aslam Hossenally advance. According to him, nothing but garbage collection cost Rs 11 to 12 million per year, not to mention street lighting and other expenses.

"If we do not get a response, we will have to reduce services elsewhere, but as we have already done a lot of effort, I do not know where we can cut costs even really see," said the Lord Mayor.