Road safety: Roche Bois in Top of Places of Speed Cameras Flashes

11 years, 7 months ago - 1 August 2013, Le Mauricien
Road safety: Roche Bois in Top of Places of Speed Cameras Flashes
Since the entry into force of penalty points on May 10, a little less than 9000 motorists were flashed by the 16 speed cameras installed in the country, especially on the main roads.

With these figures compiled dated July 25, officials of the Traffic Branch were able to establish a Top 5 places where motorists were most flashed by these Speed Cameras have become an object of stress ...

In the hit parade, the motorway exit at Roche-Bois Montreal Coromandel occupy the top ranks. At this stage no motorist has been a victim of license suspension in light of recent surveys, but two drivers are perilously close to the bar fateful 15 points, which result in the temporary withdrawal of their license for three years. Meanwhile the central barracks appear satisfaction on one major point: the fatal accident rate is falling. Since the implementation of the system of penalty points, this trend is down with seven fatalities less than during the same period in 2012. A little more than two months after its entry into force.

8748 motorists photographed

From May 10 and until July 25 8748 motorists were taken because of excess speed by 16 speed cameras based while 24 others are waiting to come into force. Of these, 257 were pinned to have rolled more than 25 km / h over the limit. This offense is punishable, according to the Road Traffic Act of 2 to 4 points and a fine of Rs 2000. For the rest, the excess is just above the permissible speed that is an average of 5 km / h over the posted limit on the panels.

Top 5 Speed Cameras

 1. On the highway at Roche-Bois

2. A Coromandel, Montreal

3. Phoenix Street S. Hossen (Route Jumbo - Flic en Flac)

4. The motorway exit at Trianon (Pellegrin / Shoprite)

5. Vacoas, the Sivananda Avenue

3700 fines for serious offenses

On Thursday, no less than 3,700 tickets have been drawn against motorists for other offenses "serious" (drunk driving, dangerous overtaking) according to the Road Traffic act.

License suspension: 0 2 drivers 8 points!

Although no license suspension has been recorded, some motorists are approaching more. In little more than two months they have accumulated two to eight penalty points on their Counterpart Driving Licence (DLC) for four offenses, with penalties of 2 points each.

22 accidents against 29 accidents last year

Central Barracks are based mainly on the impact of fatal accidents to highlight the "positive effect" of penalty points. Between May 10 and July 25 this year, the authorities have indeed identified 22 fatal accidents, against 29 for the same period in 2012.

413559 DLC distributed

Since the vast communication campaign launched by the police regarding the DLC, 413,559 drivers have recovered this document. But police sources indicate approximate it is almost impossible to establish the exact number of motorists who was not yet presented to take possession of their DLC.