Speed Cameras: 8,748 Tickets from May to July

11 years, 7 months ago - 1 August 2013, Le Matinal
Speed Cameras: 8,748 Tickets from May to July
From May 10 to July 25, the Speed Cameras helped pin 8748 motorists speeding including 257 traveling at more than 25km / h over the limit.

Since the introduction of penalty points, the number of control on our roads has increased significantly. The police are on the alert to ensure the safety of motorists, especially in places considered 'black spots'. Moreover, 3,700 tickets, excluding speeding-related penalty points were erected during this period.

According to police, no driver has lost his license for the establishment of the Point Penalty System. But two offenders are eight points, halfway to lose their licenses if they are not more vigilant.

The police recorded 22 fatal accidents during the same period, in contrast to 29 cases in 2012. "The penalty points had a positive effect," said an official of the Traffic Branch. However, he said that some motorists are still irresponsibly.