Rose-Hill Transport: Wi-Fi on buses

13 years, 3 months ago - 13 September 2011
Rose-Hill Transport: Wi-Fi on buses
Passengers in Rose-Hill Transport can surf the Internet for free during their journeys.

18 buses of this company are equipped with Wi-Fi in recent weeks. And by two months, the entire fleet is to say, 88 buses, which will be equipped. 

To access this service, passengers must send a text on 499 26 90. They will get, eventually, a password allowing them access to broadband Internet.

This is the first experiment of its kind in Mauritius. Sanjiv Goburdhun, Managing Director of Rose-Hill Transport, is delighted that users are likely to send a text message to access this service. He was pleased that the company provides the opportunity for passengers to start working during their journeys by visiting their mailboxes.

"If a passenger boarded a bus at 8 am 30 and he already wants to get to work, he can do if they have a Smartphone or a laptop. If it was late at the office, he can explain to his boss that he has already put to work during his trip," he said on Radio Plus, Monday, Sept. 12.