Cottage: 17 injured in accident

13 years, 11 months ago - 8 January 2011
Seventeen passengers were injured in a road accident occurred at Friday, 3 p.m. at Cottage. A bus carrying 34 passengers, drove at high speed skidded and overturned while the driver tried to discuss with a turn.

It is managed to avoid the worst because the driver has deviated from its route to take the right side of the road at the risk of skidding.

According to the conductor, the vehicle's brakes have stopped working at one time. And to avoid falling into a rock face the driver took the right side of the road.

The 17 injured were taken to hospital in the North where they got the care. Many are left with some scratches on various parts of the body. A girl, aged 7, was injured in the arm and had wounds at the leg. She does not remember how the bus occurred in that situation. 

The conductor was also injured. He escaped with 12 stitches in his leg. He had to break the windshield out of the bus to let out other passengers. The injured have received help from several people who stopped to render assistance as medical services have been unhurried to come to the place.

An alcohol breath test performed on the bus driver was negative. Police opened an investigation to determine the exact circumstances of this accident.